Tag: theater

  • 6/21/24

    I woke up around 1:30am and realized I was biting hard. I think maybe my brain knew there was something in my mouth and that I was asleep. Trying to secure it perhaps so I didn’t choke? My bottom teeth are sore now regardless.

    While I was awake something white caught my eye through the gap above my ac. I looked but didn’t see anything so figured perhaps it was just headlights reflecting over the lawn. As I turned to get back into bed I saw it again. I looked closer and saw a large white object moving swiftly over the lawn. Moved like a fox but was large like a bear. But white as a ghost. Surreal. I ran downstairs to make sure the dog was still inside, he was. I wonder what it was.

    I was told to be at my club store for 5 because there would be a delivery. The delivery did not show up until 6:30. It was pleasant enough though. I stopped by Starbucks and grabbed breakfast before going to my second stop. I ran into my boss who had stopped by.

    I haven’t weighed myself since my three day nap a couple weeks ago. I think I’m losing weight though cause my legs appear thinner. Maybe it’s all the walking.

    It’s not as hot out as yesterday, but it’s still pretty hot. 84°f. I had to stop at the gas station to take an emergency bathroom break in between stops 2 and 3. I think my implant might be coming loose, or maybe it’s just my gums getting used to it. Trying not to think about it.

    I can’t believe how many people who has perfectly good teeth tell me that they want implants. I guess I can see the appeal from an outside perspective. Good teeth, no maintenance? That’s not exactly the reality though. I’ll start with that. They still require special cleaning, and use of a water pick to make sure food doesn’t get lodged between them and the gums. Not to mention the whole process is incredibly painful and taxing. The biggest thing for me personally is though, they’re not teeth. Sure they look like it, but their not. It’s just something screwed into your skull to resemble them. Don’t get me wrong, it’s better than nothing. Though I would much prefer the real thing.

    By 2:30 I was headed to my final stop and I remembered that I don’t have to work tomorrow. My boss was able to get me that personal day after all. Sweet!

    After work Z and I walked up to the town carnival that is held every year. It’s bittersweet cause I have so many childhood memories of this yearly tradition, but it was A’s favorite event of the year. I miss her, I can’t believe it’s been over a year since her passing.

    We.walked around the carnival and then met with T and walked around some more. There wasn’t much to see. afterwards we walked Z home and then I took T to grab a pizza for dinner

    Best: going to the carnival with Z & T

    Worst: Going into work early for a delivery that turned out to be an hour and a half late.

  • 6/14/24

    There was supposed to be a delivery at my first stop today but it got cut. Oh darn 😅. I was going to get my danish from Starbucks but they were sold out. Oh darn 😢.

    I did get a $5 cup from Starbucks that looked neat. A coffee and a breakfast sandwich. Have to try to scuttle today cause there’s a district meeting that my boss wanted me to attend.

    I feel like I have some options open to me right now. Personal life wise. I need to take a moment to myself to consider them. The thing about never having options is that you never have to make a choice, this is scary.

    Halfway through my day I had to go to the office for a district meeting. To be honest it’s pretty boring. I hate having to hear statistics and sales techniques and all that sort of stuff. We did get food though. I had a piece of pizza. But I’m pretty sure I got food poisoning because by the end of the meeting I was in the bathroom.

    After my meeting I went to my third stop. It was pretty simple in and out. On my way to my last stop though I had to stop at O’Reilly’s because I was desperate need of a bathroom again. I really shouldn’t have eaten that pizza.

    When I finished work I went home and put a load of laundry in. Then I took the bunny to the clover field at the school near our house. She ran around and got some energy out. We found a four leaf clover too.

    When we got home I gave the animals dinner and got into bed to watch some Netflix while I play my game. It was a good day.

    Best: Park with the bunny

    Worst: upset stomach

  • 6/13/24

    I woke up about three minutes before my alarm. I heard it go off as I was trying to fall back asleep and was like “why is that going off?”. Then I remembered and thought “oh yeah, I have to work today”.

    My first stop today is a Walmart. I’m only at this one once a week to cover for a merchie who has this day off. The order looks small and the backstock is less than what it usually is. I was thinking it should be easy enough. Then they asked me to kill a pallet. I guess it has until tomorrow so it’s not really my problem, but I’ll see what I can do.

    I stopped by Dunkin on my way in for breakfast. I got a breakfast sandwich and an ice coffee. I should get back on track with my diet. I put it on the back burner when I had my mouth done last week. Cause I needed to eat whatever I could. I wouldn’t say I quit it, I literally just became very limited in what I could eat. So I needed to eat what I could and when I could.

    So I was mistaken on the order size. It was twice as large as I had originally thought. I also dumped my coffee out cause I went to use the bathroom, sat it on the sink, and then realized there was a huge human… plop… on the floor. I was too disgusted to drink it after. So on my way to my second stop I grabbed an ice tea from dunks.

    I feel fatigued and irritable today. I just want to go home and sleep. I’m hoping my day goes by fast.

    By the time I got to my last stop of the day I had a migraine starting. I took some Tylenol but it doesn’t seem to be helping. I try to do at least one good deed a day. Today I’ve done two. At my last stop there was an older woman in a wheelchair. She had a really hard time getting some cartons of milk off the bottom shelf. So I got them for her and while I was getting them for her she dropped her stuff so I picked it up. She reminded me of my nana. I feel bad for people can’t do something and nobody offers to help. Which is why I usually do when I see someone who needs help. I feel like the smallest offer of kindness can really go a long way.

    The second good deed was when I was on my way home. I don’t really know that I would call it a good day though to be honest. In was sitting in traffic and the couple in the next car realized that they were in the wrong lane. They were in a left turning lane only and they wanted to go straight. The elderly man in the passenger seat gestured to me and asked nicely if they could cut in front of me. I said of course go ahead. I mean what was I going to say no? I don’t own the road. And God knows I’ve been in that same situation time and time again and I don’t actually ask for permission, I just kind of go for it lol.

    When I got home I packaged up a couple things that I sold on eBay and then grabbed some jello for dinner and went to bed. Now I have a little bit to lay in bed and play my game before I have to go to bed.

    Best: laying in bed with my fur babies

    Worst: migraine

  • I saw a clip on tiktok of a movie I thought looked interesting. In the clip, a disabled boy and his mom were in a grocery store. The boy was accompanied by a service animal, a small monkey. A woman got mad and confronted the family about the animal. Later it showed the same angry woman protesting the service animal outside the family home.

    I instantly ran to the comments to see if anyone had offered the name of the movie. Thankfully someone had done just that. The clip was from “Gigi & Nate”. The commenter also provided the info that it’s streaming on Hulu.

    One of the first things that caught my eye in the movie was the father. He looked so familiar. I racked my brain for the whole opening thirty minutes. I was certain it was Jim Belushi, but it couldn’t be. He’s dead. Isn’t he? I was absolutely certain that he was. So I googled the movie and, HE LIVES!

    About halfway through the movie I realized that the monkey might just be CGI in some scenes. It’s amazing how flawless it is! Im pretty sure this wasn’t a big production, but you wouldn’t be able to tell.

    So rarely am I drawn into a movie and moved to emotion. I actually felt invested in the stakes and outcomes of the story. I was glued to the screen and couldn’t look away.

    When the end of the movie came, it was a real ‘feel good’ ending. It made me smile, and I felt satisfied with the outcome. That’s also when I learned that this is a true story.

    The acting is amazing, the special effects are incredible, the editing, score, and overall quality is just superb. As someone who struggles with ADHD, I find it hard to focus on things such as movies. Even in the theater, I’ll need a trip to the bathroom for a break. Though this movie, which is long at 2 hours, commanded my attention every second.

    Im not great at reviewing things. Which is why I opted to make this my thoughts, not a review. Though if I were to give it a rating I would go 5/5 stars!