• 6/30/24

    I’m beefing with my Alexa. Not only did she decide to make my alarm volumes ONE (out of ten!), but she also took it upon herself to delete them entirely!!! What a bitch!

    I got through my first second and third stops. Just two left to go and I had a migraine stirring. I took some Excedrin but it didn’t seem to help much. It’s hot and muggy today, I really shouldn’t have worn jeans. I would very much like to go home.

    My friends and I are meeting at Dunkin today and I don’t want to skip out on them. I might not stay as long as I usually do. I was supposed to meet another friend at the mall after but I had to cancel because I’m not feeling up to it.

    I grabbed Popeyes after my third stop. Thinking that maybe if I ate something I would feel better. That doesn’t seem to be helping either.

    After work I met up with my friends at Dunks. We were there a couple hours (per usual). I got to hold my best friends daughter (my niece) for the first time. She is 6 months old already! She is growing so fast!

    I did a little doordash after, just for about an hour and a half, but made about $55! Then I headed home. I still have a slight migraine.

    Best: Seeing my friends

    Worst: migraine

  • 6/29/24

    I honestly don’t know what’s wrong with me. I woke up seconds before my alarm, and got up to pee. Yet I layed back down for “five more minutes” and ended up being late. Again. Am I self sabotaging?

    Well as I’m getting ready to leave my second stop I was told that our carts had to be picked up today. Even though the driver was planning on not doing so. I had to give him a call and we were able to get him there. While he was loading I was chatting with him and the manager.

    Talking about self sabotaging I have a really bad habit of falling for people I know I have no chance with. Well I mean let’s be honest I could fall for anyone and that would be true. I do tend however to fall for people that it’s certain I have no chance.

    The manager at my second stop today is my current crush. I actually don’t fall often, but the track record is there. The last crush I had was my boss at my last job. I had known her since we were in high school. We had been working together a couple of years before one day I just realized oh my God I really like her.

    One day I saw her reading a paper and reaching one arm above her head to reach something off a high shelf. I had the sudden urge to press her up against the shelf and kiss her. I had never had that urge before with anyone. And I was in my late 20s at this point.

    I knew however that she pretty much hated me so that was that. My feelings for her only grew the next couple years. In my own mind I see myself as being extremely obvious. So I wouldn’t doubt it if she knew. Though neither of us ever said anything.

    I think I probably come across as just a big idiot to everyone. I can’t blame them, I see myself that way a lot too. I do still have a crush on my former boss. Which has been about 5 years now. But I’m aware that it’s never going to happen. Much like all and any other crushes I’ve ever had.

    To eat my feelings I decided to get dairy Queen for lunch. But when I got there they had to refund my order because they were unable to make food. I’m a bit sad. Not necessarily about the food, I mean it would have been nice. About life in general I suppose.

    After work I decided to do a little doordash. I dashed for an hour and a half and I made $55. The last dash of the night took me halfway home. The tip was supposed to be 20 bucks which I thought was great but it turned out that there was a hidden tip! It was actually like 26! That made my night it was so great. $26 to deliver food! I hope I’m that well off someday!

    I really wanted to keep gashing but it was 7:00 and I needed to get home. I also really need to pee. I’m trying so hard not to pee myself. I think I’m going to have to pull over I’m not going to make it.

    When my bladder decides it needs to go, it needs to go. I was successfully able pee into an empty dunkin cup (oh the circle of life) and then dumped it out the window.

    Before I got home I stopped at P’s house. He needed help adjusting the incubator. He is trying to hatch some guinea hen chicks for his friend. It is time to take the turner out of the incubator. It’s a tricky procedure take out the eggs and then take out the turner and put the eggs back in and get the cover back on all before they have a significant drop in temperature. We have it pretty down packed.

    When I got home I was planning on taking a shower quick, but I realized I forgot to get dinner for the kids (animals). So T and I ran to the store for it. Then I was able to shower, feed the kids, and go to bed. What a day.

    Best: $27 tip on my order!

    Worst: letting the sad thoughts get to me a little

    Good deed: I saw a younger homeless guy sitting in the rain. he seemed very upset. I only had two dollars on me but gave it to him. I told him to have a good day and through tears he said he was trying. I feel really bad for him.

  • 6/28/24

    What a day. I woke up and got to my first stop (the club store) to find nearly a dozen pallets plus a delivery. Insane. I was there for a couple hours and then moved on to the next stop.

    My second stop on Fridays is the one adjacent to Starbucks so I got a spot of breakfast on my way over. It was the typic Friday, change over the displays.

    P brought me a check I had received when I was finishing up. I put myself on a lunch break and ran into wm. After waiting on line for a while I was able to cash the check. Ma and T were there so I stayed with them for a few minutes.

    The last two stops were quick and easy. In and out and then done for the day. I went straight home because today is T’s birthday. I cannot believe how old he is. It just seems like yesterday he was a baby. Now he’s 24?!

    We had a little party at the house for him, then we went to Dave & Busters to meet up with Z & E to celebrate. We had a good time. I got a plush otter that’s pretty cute.

    I’m about to call asleep. We got home late. So I wrote this in a hurry and heading to bed.

    Best: D&B with the squad

    Worst: realizing how fast time is going

  • 6/27/24

    I fucked up. I overslept. Got to my first stop and my work had already been done. I panicked and called my boss. Ready to grovel for forgiveness for being late.

    My boss said he sent the new guy to help me out because he didn’t have anything else for him to do. He did my whole store for me. I told him I didn’t know anything about that. A little communication would have been nice. It’s still my fault for being late though.

    I apologized and told him that I didn’t have an excuse, my own damn fault being late, he said that we would talk about it later. So with that I turned around and left and headed to my second store which apparently the new guy is at already.

    When I got to my second stop the new guy wasn’t there yet. I must have missed him by minutes at the first. The driver was delivering so I was able to take the product in pretty fast. I changed over a big display and then the new guy arrived. He seems nice enough.

    He ended up joining me at my third and final stop. With the two of us it only took an hour. I appreciate the help, but I got screwed on hours. I mean, true it’s my fault partly. Though even if I hadn’t been late we would’ve finished early. I need my hours.

    After work I picked up T and P and we went to Nashua. I decided to sell the touchscreen radio I was going to install in the car. Chances are I’d mess something up if I ever did find the time for it.

    We swung by the bins quickly and then arrived at the mall. We waited 45 minutes. He didn’t show up, message, or even look at the ones I sent him. Pissed, with time, gas, and patience wasted, we went home.

    We stopped by McDonald’s to get dinner. The woman who reminded me of my grandma was working. I gave her another duck and she was happy. Later she found me on Facebook, we’re friends now. 😊

    I’m tired and grumpy. Anxious and agitated. I’m going to feed the animals and then get to bed. I have an early morning tomorrow and I need to get my shit together. Why is it so hard for me to get up and moving ?

    Best: made a new friend

    Worst: driving an hour away and then waiting another hour to be stood up by the ahole from FB marketplace

    Carts, carts everywhere
  • 6/26/24

    I took my time getting moving today. When I did, I went to dunks. I tried the new s’mores drink. It’s pretty good. After I went to the storage unit and packed up all my orders. Paid my rent on the unit, and gave the mechanic some of what I owe him.

    I picked up P and we went to get T a birthday gift. What he wanted wasn’t out yet, so I found another thing he wanted. We stopped by a couple thrift stores too. Then we went to the Olive Garden for dinner. I had spaghetti and meatballs.

    When we got back I met a guy at the PD station. He gave me an electric scooter. He doesn’t know if it works, but it can still be used as a regular one. I saw a deer on the side of the road, it was beautiful.

    I took the bunny up to the field at the school. She seemed to be enjoying herself. Then all of a sudden after about 10-15 minutes of playing, she got started. She tried to run but I had the leash and pulled her back. She started screaming and it concerned me. I was able to get a hold of her and got her into the stroller where she immediately burrowed into her blanket.

    I have no idea what suddenly set off this panic attack. I took her straight home and after a few minutes she settled down. She’s fine now, but it was a scary experience. Thank goodness her harness fits, and she was able to be wrangled and calmed.

    I put Bobs Burgers on the TV and kept an eye on the bunny while I played my phone games. She ate and played with her new toy I had gotten her today.

    It’s late. I stayed up too late on accident. I have to work tomorrow so off to bed I go.

    Best: Dinner at Olive Garden with P

    Worst: the bunnys panick attack

  • 6/25/24

    Woke up and went on yet another trip to the dentist. They took an x-ray and told me everything looked good. Idk, it still feels sensitive. I think they’re sick of seeing me, but to be fair the dentist did kinda pressure me into it. I’m their problem now.

    Afterwards P and I went to IHOP for breakfast. Then we hit up an couple dunks and then I was pooped. Weird how I am just tired all the time. I used to be one of those people who couldn’t conceive how others could nap. Sleep in the middle of the day? The heck? I couldn’t even sleep during the day when I worked nights! Though now in my brisk old age of 31, it’s my favorite pass time.

    We’re on jury watch for the Karen Read case. I layed in bed with my phone beside me and took a three hour nap. I was woken up by the court sound coming back on. They went home. No verdict today.

    After my nap I took T to target and five below. We got food, then came home. Now I’m in bed, eating my dinner with the Turtle Boy stream on the TV.

    All in all, not a bad Tuesday.

    Best: breakfast at IHOP with P

    Worst: bit the inside of my cheek and it hurts.

  • 6/24/24

    The storm last night got a little chaotic. The power flickered like crazy and kept going out. Z sent me a video of a transformer surging outside his house. He lives right around the corner from me. It was pretty insane.

    I got to my first stop on time (for once I know) but the delivery didn’t show up for a bit longer. The order was huge. Even bigger than last weeks! It’s insane. By the time I left I had a migraine starting. I took Excedrin, hit up Starbucks, then headed to my second stop. The weather is super nice today so far. I think I forgot to take my meds.

    When I left my second stop I definitely had a minor grade migraine on the rise. Totally forgot my meds this morning. Guess I can’t have it all, on time and meds??

    I grabbed a drink from dunks and headed to my third (and last) stop of the day. I was hoping to take both the bunnies out for a walk but it’s looking like it may rain. I’m having a little anxiety that my implant may be coming loose. I texted the dentist early this morning, but haven’t heard back.

    The manager at my last stop is back from her vacation. I was talking to her and she must’ve noticed that I’m talking a little weird because she said “what’s wrong with your face?”. Not gonna lie, that hurt.

    After work I tried to doordash a little. The orders were shit though. I ended up doing two, making $18 in an hour. The last one took me halfway home so I said screw it. I picked up the bunnies and was going to take them to the park but P wanted to go and can’t walk good.

    We ended up going to E’s store. A couple of my friends from Sam’s were there and they played with the bunnies. Then I  took them to PetSmart. We stopped by a park on the way back and I took a picture with them under the tree. I liked it.

    We were going to swing by the 333 Dunkin’. When we got there the kid refused to make our order cause he was closing in 90 minutes. Damn, I didn’t know making two medium refreshers was so taxing. Well there $7 I’m never getting back. Which I can say confidently since I still haven’t been refunded the 5/18 fiasco.

    We are all pretty tired so we’re heading home. Dropping off P first. Then will watch Bobs Burgers and drift off to sleep. 😴

    Best: Taking the bunnies out

    Worst: forgetting my meds

  • 6/23/24

    I woke up late today, but that’s not surprising for two reasons. One, I was up too late last night. Two, I am me.

    I was able to get my first stop done in time and then grabbed som fuel for the car and fuel for me (in the form of Dunkies).

    My second stop was productive, my third made me a bit angry. Whoever covered for me yesterday did a piss poor job there. I got it done best I could and moved on with my day.

    After work I got some food and then decided to do a little doordashing. I think it’s fun. It keeps me busy, and my mind from wandering into the realms of anxiety. I made $41 in just an hour and a half. I would have done a few more, but Ma called and wanted me home. There’s a tornado watch and we might get hit. She wanted me home so I wouldn’t get caught in it.

    I think I might have a crush on someone I see fairly regularly at work. She’s a little older than me. I’m not sure how much, but I don’t think more than ten years. There’s no way in hell she’d ever be interested in me. So I’ll just keep this to myself. Well, and the two of you that read this. 😉

    When I got home I fed the animals and got into bed. Put Bobs Burgers on and played games on my phone.

    Best: doordashing and listening to my music while I did it.

    Worst: having to fix some stuff at work

    My motorcycle, which I’m hoping to get back onto the road soon.
  • 6/22/24

    I had today off. I planned on watching the parade, hitting up the carnival, and attending the family cookout. I did not do any of that.

    I actually slept in, woke up for a little bit, then took a “nap” that lasted the rest of the day. I did finally wake up and get moving around 5. I took the bunny for a walk to Z’s house for the family cookout. It was a tradition that P started many many moons ago (before my time). A took it over, and it officially became a yearly thing.

    Growing up it was always my favorite event of the year. A big cookout at A’s house. The whole family would attend and the towns summer celebration carnival would be across the street. Some of my best childhood memories are from that.

    Last year was the first cookout after A’s passing. It isn’t the same. The magic and fun is gone. It feels wrong to continue (not only the cookout) but life without her.

    I only stopped by for about ten minutes today. Just long enough to say my hellos and then I left. I just can’t be there without A. Especially since UT has a new gf who was there. The whole scene just feels wrong. I would say even offensive.

    I packed the bunny and stroller into the car and picked up P. We went for a ride to the pet store. When we got back I fed the animals and climbed into bed. I put in bobs burgers and played on my phone. I accidentally stayed up too late it’s 12:12am and I think posting this 12 minutes late is going to ruin my WordPress streak counter.

    Best: Well needed rest

    Worst: missing A

  • 6/21/24

    I woke up around 1:30am and realized I was biting hard. I think maybe my brain knew there was something in my mouth and that I was asleep. Trying to secure it perhaps so I didn’t choke? My bottom teeth are sore now regardless.

    While I was awake something white caught my eye through the gap above my ac. I looked but didn’t see anything so figured perhaps it was just headlights reflecting over the lawn. As I turned to get back into bed I saw it again. I looked closer and saw a large white object moving swiftly over the lawn. Moved like a fox but was large like a bear. But white as a ghost. Surreal. I ran downstairs to make sure the dog was still inside, he was. I wonder what it was.

    I was told to be at my club store for 5 because there would be a delivery. The delivery did not show up until 6:30. It was pleasant enough though. I stopped by Starbucks and grabbed breakfast before going to my second stop. I ran into my boss who had stopped by.

    I haven’t weighed myself since my three day nap a couple weeks ago. I think I’m losing weight though cause my legs appear thinner. Maybe it’s all the walking.

    It’s not as hot out as yesterday, but it’s still pretty hot. 84°f. I had to stop at the gas station to take an emergency bathroom break in between stops 2 and 3. I think my implant might be coming loose, or maybe it’s just my gums getting used to it. Trying not to think about it.

    I can’t believe how many people who has perfectly good teeth tell me that they want implants. I guess I can see the appeal from an outside perspective. Good teeth, no maintenance? That’s not exactly the reality though. I’ll start with that. They still require special cleaning, and use of a water pick to make sure food doesn’t get lodged between them and the gums. Not to mention the whole process is incredibly painful and taxing. The biggest thing for me personally is though, they’re not teeth. Sure they look like it, but their not. It’s just something screwed into your skull to resemble them. Don’t get me wrong, it’s better than nothing. Though I would much prefer the real thing.

    By 2:30 I was headed to my final stop and I remembered that I don’t have to work tomorrow. My boss was able to get me that personal day after all. Sweet!

    After work Z and I walked up to the town carnival that is held every year. It’s bittersweet cause I have so many childhood memories of this yearly tradition, but it was A’s favorite event of the year. I miss her, I can’t believe it’s been over a year since her passing.

    We.walked around the carnival and then met with T and walked around some more. There wasn’t much to see. afterwards we walked Z home and then I took T to grab a pizza for dinner

    Best: going to the carnival with Z & T

    Worst: Going into work early for a delivery that turned out to be an hour and a half late.